Saturday, 7 May 2016

Getting dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, plus Nerd Block Geek & Sundry Tabletop Day 2016 box unboxing

Since starting 24 Hour Gamer UK back in 2009, the landscape of the internet has changed. As much as it may be to my dismay, the Vlog has the Blog on the ropes, so to speak, and todays audiences are much more interested in watching and listening than reading. In a way, I can understand. I've said on a number of occasions that, with the technology of today I refuse to read too much in a videogame, and I suppose the accessibility and ease of sites like YouTube and Twitch, the sentiment is transferrable.

I'd been sticking to my guns for so long simply due to my own inadequacies though. Back in school, I was the kid who, when reading anything aloud in front of the class, had to set his work down on a desk and stand with his hands behind his back so nobody could see how much they were trembling (instead drawing attention to how my fly was probably down, or that I'd stood in dogshit perhaps, it wasn't a great time to be me). In our old band I had to hop myself up on sugar before every gig, even though there were four of us and all the attention wasn't solely on me. Couple this with the fact that I look like a sleepy Bray Wyatt and am about as photogenic as an angry Bulldog, I was far more comfortable behind a wall of text.

But people kept saying I'd do better making videos, and so, just after I'd woken up the other morning, without any real thought or preparation, I made a short film unboxing the Geek & Sundry Tabletop Day 2016 Box from Nerd Block that I'd received the night before. I knocked up a quick intro and outro (on MSPaint no less), and with virtually no editing, pooped this on to YouTube for all to see.

I'm not too happy with it, I was holding the camera so it's got more shakey-cam than an episode of 24 and I had nothing planned to say, which, combined with my natural (lack of) charisma made it seem like the video was being filmed by a disinterested meth user with Parkinson's. Plus, in all my sleepy wisdom, I recorded it using my iPod Touch, when I had to hand my Samsung Galaxy S5 and a REAL LIFE DEDICATED CAMERA. In my defence it was because my headphones provided the microphone I was using, and were already paired to my iPod, but still. Laziness prevails.

For those not watching, there was a T-Shirt that was kinda cool, a notebook, a Magic: The Gathering Funko figure from 2014, a G&S bumper sticker, an admittedly hilarious Will Wheaton D6 with one pip on each face, a variant cover D&D comic from IDW, some playing cards, some RPG coins, and my favourite, freaking pencils. Two pencils with Felicia Day's name on them that allegedly cost four dollars. And change.

I'll not be paying for another Nerd Block.

The unboxing wasn't blind, I'd opened it the night before because, as with all my mystery box subscriptions, it wasn't solely mine. I paid for this, it wasn't provided by Nerd Block or Geek & Sundry, therefore my opinion wasn't swayed. But if anyone does want to send me anything like this, go for it.


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